What Business does Business have being involved in Music?

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   by Omid Majdi    Leave a comment  →
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The music business. Today I was reading an article about how many major companies have been trying to make music streaming a viable and sustainable business. It’s an interesting thought — there is obviously demand for people to be able to stream from the cloud any song that they wish. Through Spotify, Pandora, Rdio, iHeart Radio, and numerous others, it’s nearly to the point where almost any song is available at any time. But here’s where it gets tricky. All of these services are at the mercy of the price of the content they are trying to provide. It wouldn’t matter if Spotify could serve up nearly latency-free audio (sub 120ms) if there was no music to serve. That content is locked down the major music publishers and licensing deals with these behemoths are always inked in favor of the content providers. Let’s say that I wanted to start up NoiseSoundMusic Streaming Service. In order to keep it running I’d have to serve up so many ads, or charge such a large premium that the service instantly becomes off-putting to any user. So here’s the problem: users will complain about ads, and rightfully so, why should they have to be pitched about a life insurance policy when they just want to listen to Stevie Wonder? And then users will also complain about a high price tag… but why? Because the perceived value of music has gone down the drain. A song costs $0.99 on iTunes… which, for sake of argument, is, on average, $0.01 per hour it took to get that finished product (and that’s being generous). Now take the music streaming business model, $8 per month gets you access to ANY song in their catalog which is nearly 15 million songs! You don’t want to know what the calculation that breaks down to per song in terms of value. But I digress… The largest problem with the music streaming model, in general, is the fact that business has no place in music to begin with. The moment that music became a commodity to distribute, license, and sell the rights to, the value of music was lost. Let me put it this way, can you really put a price on John Lennon’s Imagine or Earth Wind & Fire’s Shining Star? How about Rage Against The Machine’s Evil Empire or Michael Jackson’s Thriller? Didn’t think so. Music is too powerful to be bought and sold.

Curation Is The Cure

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   by Omid Majdi    Leave a comment  →

Copyrights, sampling, mash-ups, riffing, cover songs, and everything in between within the music industry is a mess when it comes to legal ramifications, but why does it have to be this way?  Consider this:  A photographer who makes a living taking beautiful photographs of architecture.  He owns those photos despite the fact that the architect as well as the planning and construction crews who created the subject of photographer’s work do not see a single penny from the photographer’s earnings.  All that is required is a simple attribution, if at all.  Why can’t music be this way?  If you use another’s work and it is repurposed for your own artistry and musical project, I strongly believe that all that should be in order is a simple curation mentioning who the original artist was and have the matter end there.  Artists who are creating music for the right reasons and genuinely do it with passion and with enthusiasm are not going to bring lawsuits and copyright infringement into the picture so long as they are credited appropriately in a footnote somewhere.  The amount of effort being put into copyright infringement cases, determining origination of samples used in works, and determining the differences between similar works is absurd and can be put towards innovation and greater causes.  Let’s all remember why people would want to use others’ music in their own: It’s not to voluntarily cause harm to the original artist or even attempt to pass it off as their own, but simply put “imitation is the sincerest [form] of flattery.” Quote originally by Charles Caleb Colton, (1780 – 1832)